“The most important of the Lord’s work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes”
-President Harold B. Lee-

Monday, September 5, 2011

Spiders don't take Labor Day off

I just had one crawling up my leg... in my pants! I felt something crawling around my knee, but I thought it might have been my imagination- like it usually is. So I reached down to move my pants and I felt a lump in there... I let out a short gasp/scream and the boys looked at me. I kept my hand around that area of pants, with my pants tightly balled in my hand. I limped my way to the bathroom (since I had to be bent over to keep my hand there) and took off my pants while holding that spot. I then dumped the crushed BIG spider in the toilet. I didn't take any pictures of it, but Brian and Elijah can be my witnesses - even crushed, that sucker was big!

Oh man... my heart is just now slowing down.


  1. Holy cow! That's actually kind of funny. How's homeschooling going? Give me a call!

  2. ooh, gross! I'm sorry! I HATE spiders! We've had some big nasty ones hiding around our house too =(
