“The most important of the Lord’s work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes”
-President Harold B. Lee-

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

First day of Disneyland

Just some thoughts so I don't forget them before I have a chance to write an official post.
We went on the train, of course. Then we went to splash mountain. Then thunder mountain railroad, pirates of the carribean, haunted mansion holiday, star tours then space mountain.
When we got off pace mountain we all had trouble walking but Elijah couldn't go up the stairs in a straight line. Our picture on splash mountain, you can't see Quianna because she has her hhead down since she was scared. She loved thunder mountain. After space mountain and we were leaving the park the I asked them how their first experience and they said 110% awesome! They were so stoked! It was a great first day!

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