“The most important of the Lord’s work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes”
-President Harold B. Lee-

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Life has been wonderful since we got married- not that it wasn't before, but it's just so amazing. I remember hearing things like, "marriage isn't as great and easy as you think it is"- but it is! Yeah, it's hard with bills, and jobs, and laundry, and disagreements. But dating was the same thing. I guess because of the relationship that Brian and I had before we got married helped with the transition. We helped each other with life so much that it made it easier when we got married. Since I didn't have a car after my accident in February, I was borrowing his car to go home at night, and then taking it back in the morning so he could go to work. He was helping me with bills and food. I was going back and forth watching the kids, or they would come to my house after school and he would come pick us up. But now, we have the same bills, we live in the same house- with one kitchen to clean, one place to have all my stuff (instead of it being spread everywhere), we eat the same food (which was about the same before) we live close to the school. The most wonderful thing is that at the end of the day- I'm home, I can cuddle up with Brian, watch the movie and not worrying about driving home at the end of the day- it is my home. It's our family, it's our home, it's our yard, it's our bedroom.
It's wonderful to look across the room and see Brian and think, "he's so handsome... he's my husband"
Immediately after New York, we had Jazz Camp for two weeks and then met Brian's parents in Ritzville to pick up the kids. Since then every other weekend we went back to the Tri-cities. That has been busy, but nice because I've felt closer to my family and together as a family as we go and visit our families.
Now that school has started for the kids, we've been getting into a schedule of Brian going to work and I walk Elijah to school.
Last night we had some of Brian's and my friends over- Kyle and Jessie. They bought us really good BBQ sauce for our wedding so we had dutch oven pork ribs with some of that sauce. It was really good. They brought over Mario Kart for the Wii and we played that for hours. Brian and I set up the tent in the back yard for the kids and they had a camp out. I woke up this morning and thought- wow, that was the easiest it has been to put the kids to bed- EVER! They went and made their beds and then about 15 minutes later they went outside and we didn't hear from them until this morning. Brian and I went to check on them after Kyle and Jessie left around 11:30 and they were out. The tent was silent except for some heavy breathing.

I was reading my sisters blog this morning and I got inspired to continue blogging. She writes about what her family does as if she is writing in her journal. I don't think a lot of people read it because she doesn't advertise much, but she writes everything down so they have it for their family memories. There's been times this week where I have thought, I should blog about that. Then I think, "I haven't blogged in ages, nobody will read it." But reading my sister's blog has made me realize that it's for me and my family- recording memories and thoughts. So I am going to try and do better and blog more- even little things, so I can look back a month from now and think oh yeah, I remember that!

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