About a week ago, Brian was flat on the floor and said, "Quianna, how would you get me out if I was unconscious?" We set up this scenario, "If the house was on fire, and Daddy was unconscious and you needed to get him out of the house, how would you?" She spent about a half an hour trying to push him, roll him, pull him, lift him... and whatever else she could think of, but he did not budge. Then Brian asked if I could move him... I failed. As I was trying I kept saying, "If the house was on fire I would run out of the house and tell the fireman that you were here and they would come and get you." Then he had the wonderful idea of both of us trying to move him to get out the house (we live in a split level house so the task included getting him down the stairs). Finally when all three of us, Elijah, Quianna, and I pulled our resources together we were able to get him over to the stairs- head first. I then stood down the stairs, wrapped my arms around his chest and pulled him down the stairs...slowly...ever so slowly. I finally got him down to the door and I was done. I was so tired at the end partly from moving him but also from laughing a whole lot because his pants were sliding down his body as I pulled him down the stairs and it was just hilarious with me pulling him only an inch at a time. As I had opened up the door and sat on the porch laughing Brian got up- who at the time had only his head and upper body on the floor, the rest of his body from his rear end down was still up the stairs. He declared with all of us laughing, "well I have learned something tonight".
"What? That if there was a fire and you were unconscious we couldn't save you?" I replied.
"Yeah that, and if I do want saved i need to lose some weight." It was a fun night.
Elijah said the word "folks" a couple of days ago. We were walking up the hill to school and a couple of girls who live down the street from us called his name. We turned around and they started running toward us. Elijah then said, "Oh, I thought it was the other folks (talking about the other group of kids he walks with)... hey I finally said folks!" It was cute.
While getting ready for church and making dinner so it would be ready for when we got home, Quianna asked me if she could play Mario Kart on Wii until we left. I asked her, "Does that help you prepare to get in the spirit of church?" She answered with, "Yes. Because when I get hit by the bad guys, then that's like when I sin and then I have to repent and get back up to first place which is like heaven." I chuckled and said, "you are so much like your father" and since there was only 10 minutes left I let her play.
do a little dance!
12 years ago